patrick depeters

entrepreneur, executive coach, founder & CEO @ THELATITUDE.IO


Patrick holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Finance & Economics), and minor in Leadership Studies from University of Richmond in Virgina. He is passionate about supporting others in their entrepreneurship journey, developing leaders, innovating, writing, and adventure.

Patrick is a Certified Executive Coach, and Founder & CEO at THE LATITUDE.IO, a coaching, training, and community platform built to support the next generation of happy, succesful entrepreneurs.

He currently provides consulting, advisory, coaching, and training/facilitation services to small-medium businesses in a variety of industry. He is also an investor.

Prior to starting THE LATITUDE.IO, Patrick was the Founder & CEO of pallaby, a DTC personalized pet food brand.

Before that, Patrick was a founding partner and CFO of BondIt Media Capital (fintech/financial services provider to the film/entertainment industry; exit to Accord Financial Corp (TSE:ACD), and Buffalo 8 Productions, where he helped finance over 350 films/media projects, including films that won awards at Sundance (As You Are), received Oscar nominations (Loving Vincent), and NYT critically acclaimed, Little Men.

Originally from Connecticut, Patrick lived and worked in New York City, London, and studied abroad in Milan, Italy at Universitá Bocconi. He is now based in Los Angeles, California. Patrick loves learning, writing, connecting, keeping active, enjoy the great outdoors, and thinking deeply about many topics.

He writes about a mix of topics, including business, technology, history, culture, corporate strategy, finance, literature, and philosophy. His experiences, personal and professional, shape the stories and insights I share here. Patrick is also a family man, happily married with four pets. In his writing, you’ll find pieces of my life intertwined with universal themes.

Patrick writing seeks to simplify complex ideas, celebrate cultural richness, synthesize ideas and insights between various domains, and provide a glimpse into a life driven by innovation, leadership, and a sense of adventure.

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Patrick is always available for collaborations and talks worldwide. If you want to chat about my writing, coaching, speaking engagements, training, collaboration, entrepreneurship or adventure, don’t hesitate in reaching out.

All content on this website is my own, unless indicated otherwise.

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